Saturday, April 9, 2011

I wish something....ANYTHING...mattered today.

Maybe tomorrow something will. I don't know yet. But today, I'm feeling hopeless, lost and I guess, broken...for lack of a better word. I feel like if I withered away to nothing that that would be okay. It wouldn't matter. Everything seems so far out of reach. Like nothing is possible right now... Maybe not ever. I feel very weak. Most people that know me would say that this is completely out if character. Lately though, it really isn't.

I feel like there's no one behind me. No one to believe in me. No one to talk to about anything. I feel completely and utterly alone. I also feel like I'm in that scene from Beetlejuice where Winona Ryder is writing that really depressing note, so I'm going to stop now.

Tomorrow HAS TO be a better day.

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